CTI GmbH Leipzig rs485 converter
Commerzielle und Technische
Informationssysteme GmbH Leipzig

Welcome to the online shop for USB RS485 converter of CTI GmbH Leipzig

The CTI Leipzig GmbH is a developer and manufacturer of different RS485 interface converters. You can order our RS485 converters easily in the shop.

On our website you can also find systems and components for time recording and access control.

Open RS485 converter onlineshop

Ask for a sample of our RS485 converter for 30 days to test.

Download the sample order form and fax it back to us completed.
If you are not satisfied with our product send the converter back to us within 30 days.

adress: CTI GmbH, Max-Liebermann-Straße 184, 04157 Leipzig, Germany

© 1990-2010 CTI Commerzielle und Technische Informationssysteme GmbH Leipzig
All rights reserved. The authors and publisher assume no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, reliability, completeness and timeliness of information.

RS485 converter product overview

USB - RS485 interface converter (2 wire)
USB - RS485 interface converter (2 wire)
USB - RS485 interface converter (2 wire)
USB - RS485 interface converter (2 wire)

RS485 interface converter product comparison

Common characteristics of the RS-485 two wire converter

Differences between the RS-485 two wire converters

converter data rate
up to
USB to RS-485
3 MBit/s
12x20x74 mm (stick)
1,5 MBit/s
2500 V
12x20x74 mm (stick)
3 MBit/s
2500 V
24x31x56 mm
3 MBit/s
2500 V
24x41x56 mm